Friday, April 1, 2011

My favorite movies by year since 2000

I don't normally think of my "favorite movies ever". It's too hard to try to narrow down about 50 of my all time favorites to a list of 10. So, I'll just list my favorite movies by year starting with this year 2010 because were only shortly into 2011 and down to 2000. Please note that these are my favorites from that year and there are many other great films that I may have not mentioned.

1. The King's Speech
2.  The Social Network
3. Winter's Bone, Inception, Toy Story 3, Iron Man 2, The Fighter, True Grit, 127 hours, The Town, The Other Guys, Robin Hood
1. The Hangover
2. The Hurt Locker
3. Up in the Air, Avatar, Crazy Heart, The Blind Side, Inglorious Bastards, District 9,
1. The Dark Knight
2. Slumdog Millionaire
3. Kung Fu Panda, Iron Man, WALL-E, The Wrestler, Eagle Eye, 21
1. No Country for old men
2. The Bourne Ultimatum
3. Atonement, Ratatouille , There will be blood, I am Legend, Bee Movie, 3:10 to Yuma, Rescue Dawn
1. The Departed
2. Babel, United 94
3. Casino Royale, Cars, Mission Impossible 3, Rocky Balboa, The Guardian, Talladega Nights, Glory Road, Sugar
1. Crash
2 Syriana
3. Star wars 3, King Kong, The Greatest game ever played, Coach Carter, Mr and Mrs Smith
1. Million Dollar Baby
2. Spider Man 2
3. The Aviator, Shrek 2, The Incredibles, Hotel Rwanda, Ray, Shark Tale, Bourne Supremacy
1.The Last Samurai
2. Pirates of the Carribean
3. Pirates of the Caribbean, Finding Nemo, School of Rock, The Italian Job, Amelie
1. Minority Report, LOTR 2,
2. Spider Man
3. Die Another Day, Chicago, Gangs of New York, Men in Black 2, The Pianist, The Hours, The Bourne Identity
1. , Oceans 11, A beautiful Mind
2. Shrek, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
3. The Royal Tenenbaums, Monsters Inc, Black Hawk Down, Planet of the Apes, Pearl Harbor, Artificial Intelligence
1. Gladiator
2. Cast Away
3. Erin Brokovich, Traffic, Meet the Parents, The Patriot, Space Cowboys, Remember the Titans, O brother where art thou, Pay it Forward

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