Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Academy Award predictions

The biggest night of the year in the movie industry is less then a week away. Indeed, the Academy Awards are on this sunday and I feel obligated to make predictions. So, with my fingers crossed here we go stabbing into the dark on who I believe will take home an oscar sunday night at 8/7 c 5/pm pt on ABC

Best Picture-
- 127 hours
-Black Swan
- The Fighter
- Inception
-The Kids are all right
-The King's Speech
- The Social Network
-Toy story 3
- True Grit
- Winter's Bone

Winner: Really, It's a two horse race between The Kings Speech and The Social Network with True Grit  as a dark horse. My winner is The King's Speech

Best Actor
- Javier Bardem "Biutiful"
- Jeff Bridges "True Grit"
- Jesse Eisenburg  " The Social Network"
- Colin Firth " The Kings Speech"
- James Franco  "127 hours"

Winner: Probably the most obvious category, 100% guarantee Colin Firth

Best Actress
- Annette Bening  " The Kids are all right"
- Nicole Kidman  "Rabbit Hole"
- Jennifer Lawrence  "Winter's Bone"
- Natalie Portman  " Black Swan"
- Michelle Williams  "Blue Valentine"

Winner: Although, I loved Jennifer Lawrence in "Winters Bone" and Annette Bening was great in "The Kids Are All Right" the winner hear is Natalie Portman in "Black Swan"

Best Supporting Actor
- Christian Bale "The Fighter"
- John Hawkes "Winter's Bone"
- Jeremy Renner "The Town"
- Mark Ruffalo " The Kids Are All Right"
- Geoffrey Rush "The Kings Speech"

Winner: Most people are going with Christian Bale but I'm going to go with an upset and pick
Geoffrey Rush in "The Kings Speech"

Best Supporting Actress
-Amy Adams "The Fighter"
-Helena Bonham Carter "The Kings Speech"
-Melissa Leo  "The Fighter"
Hailee Steinfeld "True Grit"
Jacki Weaver "Animal Kingdom"

Winner: I was dazzled by the smart, witty, young 14 year old Hailee Steinfeld in "True Grit"

Best Director
- Darren Aronofsky "Black Swan"
- David O. Russel "The Fighter"
- Tom Hooper "The King's Speech"
- David Fincher " The Social Network"

Winner: Although, In my opinion "The King's Speech" was the best film of the year, The Social Network directed by David Fincher was filmed more uniquely.

Other Smaller category winners 
- Toy Story 3 for Best Animated Feature and Original Song
- The Social Network for Best Adapted Screenplay and Film Editing
- Inception for Best Screenplay
- Biutiful for Best Foreign Film
- Alice in Wonderland for Best Art Direction and Costume Design
-  Inception for Best Visual Effects, Sound Editing, and Sound Mixing
-  Restrepo for Best Documentary Feature
- True Grit for Cinematography

         Note: Don't forget to watch

Monday, February 21, 2011

Winters Bone Review

Winters Bone Review 3 out of 4 stars
In the back of the Ozarks lives 17 year old Ree. She lives with her brainless mom and her two younger siblings. Her father his a drug-dealing loser who is off missing. She’s forced to grow up fast and become a woman when most girls her age don’t take out the garbage. Ree is acquainted one day with a officer who tells her that her daddy’s court date is a week away and that he has offered up there house as a collateral to pay his bail. Ree responds quickly and firmly “I’ll find him”.
Debra Granik’s “Winter’s Bone” is set up right in the middle of white trash country. Ree’s journey takes her from one failure to another hoping to find her delinquent father Jessup each offering little to no help at all. But Ree is not one to give up and that is what this story is all about. At its heart It’s about a girl who grew up with no parental guidance and turned into a tough, gritty, and relentless young woman. She handles this chore without much depression. We wonder how on earth she became so resilient but that is never answered.
Debra Granik does a superb job displaying the horrendous, ghastly, setting in this film. Every house is a dump with vile people filling them. Ree's neighbor is an exception. She shares food with Ree and even takes Ree's horse because she can no longer afford to feed it. Each individual Ree encounters is quick to turn away more worried with their own need; the danger of eviction and Jail. Each is unique in individuality with their own troubles and complications. Ree is offered a doobie, a line, and to blow some smoke. Teardrop, Jessup’s brother sniffs cocaine right in front of her. Teardrop and Ree drive by a meth cooking house that was burned to pieces. Ree is strong though and resents drugs and their terrible affects. Near the end of the film a acquaintance of Ree’s cuts off Jessup’s hands with a chainsaw in order to prove the law that he is indeed dead.
Ree is played by young Jennifer Lawrence. Jennifer who is up for a academy award is brilliant and is the star and soul of this film. Jennifer is strong willed, she makes no threats, but is a true hero. Not someone that kills all the villains and saves the world but a true real life hero. The supporting cast is great, teardrop who is up for best supporting actor is fierce as a true dope head. Although he doesn’t help Ree at first he saves her from difficult situations because he realizes she's the only family he's got left.
Winters bone is a dark and gritty film that may not be for everyone. It is a film of the true reality of the Ozarks. It’s a sad section of white poverty brilliantly portrayed with sensational acting. Although the plot was fairly simple it was moving and smart. Their wasn’t much violence but every step of the way was thrilling. A story like this could easily become dull with despair but Ree saves the day with her tremendous courage. Surrounded by criminals and delinquents, Ree is the diamond in the rough. In every bad situation there are always a few who overcome the rest. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Review for "The Kings Speech"

    Kings Speech Review  3 and a half stars
The-Kings-Speech.jpg"The Kings Speech" focuses on a man with a terrible stammer. To make things worse he has to speak in front of the whole british empire. This man is King George Vl in the year 1939. Britain was going into war with Germany and his listeners needed clarity, firmness, and hope. This is a man that never thought he would be king. After his father's death the crown was passed to his brother edward who later stepped down in order to marry a three times divorced american woman. Before this King George VI was known simply by family as Bertie. After Bertie's 1925 speech fiasco in front of a stadium of people his wife signs him up for every speech therapist known to man. Except after numerous failures they find an australian actor/speech therapist named Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush). Bertie has given up on his stammer and has told himself he is unfixable. He is not interested in seeing any more professionals especially the eccentric unorthodox Lionel. Lionel insists on a first-name basis which affords Bertie. Lionel believes that they must first become friends to fix Bertie's problem. He treats Bertie as a normal class citizen and not as royalty.
       Director Tom hooper has a meticulous eye for detail in this film. The outfits are spectacular and every detail from that period of time was down to a tee. Colin Firth who plays Bertie is formal but superb, and his stammer is spot on. On the other hand Geoffrey Rush is outgoing, comical, and patient. Both have realistic shots of winning an oscar. Helena Bonham Carter who played Bertie's wife was filled with love and mercy for her husband. She was by his side every step of their long journey.
          Then faster then a bullet the day comes when hitler takes power and the dreaded day approaches when Bertie, now King George Vl will speak to the world and declare war with Germany.
          The last scene is what really makes this film a masterpiece. Hooper commands this scene with suspense equal to a Jason Bourne film. King George Vl makes his long walk to a small room with only a microphone and Lionel by his side. His speech is not perfect like a fairy tale but good enough. In the end The Kings Speech is a magnificent historical drama. Two Opposites that become friends for the rest of there lives. True old fashioned film making at its best and a lock for best picture, best actor, and I believe  Lionel(Geoffrey Rush) should win best supporting actor.

Note: This film is rated R for one scene of profanity, it is not a big deal, this film is fine for kids

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hello and welcome to Movie Goers. A blog for those who lose and are enthusiastic about the world of film This blog will contain reviews of movies.  Please feel free to comment about anything I post and state your opinion.
- Arch (short for Archambeau)